International Friendship Month



I wanted to bring this to everyone's attention last week, but things were a bit chaotic at my house so I'm talking about it now. 

When people think about February, they normally think of Valentines' Day. My entire time growing up, that's all I knew. When February came around, the world went crazy with pink and red hearts, chocolate, teddy bears and people in love. 

As a kid, somehow I got a hold of old-fashioned valentines cards and would give them to my parents and siblings, writing in them with red crayon. Scandalous, I know. How dare I ruin those beautiful cards with my childish scrawls?

As I got older, I watched those around me fall in love, get married, or break up. Meanwhile, I stayed single and made heart sugar cookies for me and my family. 

It wasn't until about five or so years ago that I discovered that the same month that houses Valentines' Day, is also International Friendship Month. Which is pretty awesome. I mean, a whole month that celebrates friendship world wide? Utterly fantastic! 

There's another friendship holiday: Friendship Day which happens on the first Sunday of August. So, if you miss International Friendship Month, you have another chance at celebrating friendship.

 If you knew about these holidays already, that's awesome! I hope you get to celebrate and do something fun with your besties this month.

Until next time...

Julia Garcia / Arysta Henry


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