Patience 4 Progress


Last night I was talking about where we want to be and the frustration that we feel because we haven't achieved that status yet. And I think we all go through those moments. Life always looks greener on the other side of the fence. Because if and when we do achieve those things that we want, we'll find something else to achieve. 

It seems we need patience for progress. 

What is progress really? It's moving forward a step at a time in the direction that makes a difference. But did you catch the word step
Even if we run, the motion is made up of small steps. 

Our own lives aren't made up of giant leaps and bounds. It's made of small steps. Those steps are life. The moments in between that we don't think much of. The moments that we don't see because we are too busy being impatient. 

What if we just slowed down and valued the small moments? We're so busy looking forward that we don't take time to look behind and see how far we've come. If we paused to look back, we'd see a long trail behind us. We are not where we used to be, and we are not who we used to be.

This week I want to challenge you: For as many steps as you take forward, take two looks behind. See where you came from. And if you are caught in the gooey middle and it seems like you aren't making any progress... The same applies. Take a look back. Get out a journal and think about where you were a year ago. A month ago. And see how much has changed. You might be pleasantly surprised.

Until next time..

Julia Garcia / Arysta Henry


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