Tilling the Earth
Hello! Today I want to discuss what I mean by the phrase, "tilling the earth." In the farming world, it's the stage that someone takes before you actually plant seeds. It's the breaking up of ground, the pulling out of weeds and the removing of rocks and boulders. It's hard work! But it's necessary. There are areas in our life that seem monotonous. We would rather do anything but be in these places. Given the chance, we would run. I'm in a season where I'm tilling the earth. The job I am at, I once thought of as a blessing, but it's been very hard. Most days, I want to run. I'd rather do anything but be where I am. This Thursday, I got hit with a weird sickness out of nowhere. It drained my energy and forced me to rest. I didn't get the message. I did everything that I could to get up and move on with my day. I had just started a new exercise program. This sickness came at an inconvenient time! I had work to do, writing to do and gosh dar...