"Get Caught Reading" Month


May is "Get Caught Reading" Month. Did you know that? I certaintly didn't until I did a bit of research last month. I think it's pretty awesome that there is a whole month dedicated to reading. 

I've decided to scale my reading list back since this month is finals' month for me, but I thought I would share my TBR (to-be-read) list with you so you can see what I'm going to attempt to read this month.

I've thrown some short stories, a poetry book and an ARC copy (advanced-reader-copy. I get to read it before it hits shelves.) into the mix. Dust is a re-read for me, but it's been a year since I read it and it's the book before Shadow so I thought it would be a good idea to revisit it.

Do you keep a TBR list? What are you looking forward to reading this month?

Until next time....

-Julia Garcia / Arysta Henry


  1. I have a LONG TBR list, but as for what I want to read next, I'm more of a spontaneous mood reader. I'll pick something from the list and go with that. Right now, I've got The Beast Player and Rayne and Delilah's Midnight Matinee on my TBR shelf. Happy reading!

    1. Hi Azelyn! Ooh! I get you. My actual TBR list is almost 200 books long. This TBR is just my TBR list for May. I'm not doing too good at going through it right now. I blame the two research papers that have been eating up my month. My actual TBR list is numbered and I go through it methodically, but next month, I'm going to try a bit of mood reading. There's a series by one of my favorite authors that I really want to read, and I've been approached by a couple of instagrammers who have asked me to read their books, so those are going on there as well. I signed up for a fast track speech class in the summer, but it doesn't start until later in June so I plan to read a lot before it happens. Your books sound interesting! I think I've heard of the first one, but the other (s) are new to me. Hope they are good reads!


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