Poetry 15th, August 2020


It's the last full month of summer and the season has come in a blast of heat with the temperatures being in the upper 90s more often than not.

 I wrote my response to the poetry prompt earlier than usual this month to get a jump on things. 
 I'll admit that it was hard for me to come up with an idea for both the prompt and the poem this month. I was coming up blank, but a few conversations that I've been a part of online and that I've taken part in via email have been the real inspiration behind this.

Here is the prompt for this month (and yes, I know. It's unusual.):

There's something about doing things by candlelight that turns on a different part of my brain. The part that told stories to my little brother during blackouts when the power went out. The part that tried to draw by the light of a shiny, green candle. 
If you're having a hard time being creative, try doing it in a different environment. Or turn off the lights and do it by candlelight. 
Here is my response to the prompt:

(Apologies if you're viewing this on a tablet or phone screen. You might have to select the graphic to enlarge the poem. I've tried my best to make it as big as I can without messing with formatting.)

If you've a mind to, you can use the prompt for this month to do your own candlelight inspired poem or art. Or just use it as an excuse to switch things up and create by candlelight.

All the best,

Julia Garcia/Arysta Henry


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