Poetry 15th, May 2020
I started May coming out of a downward spiral.
I felt like I was in the bottom of a well and couldn't see where I was, but things are taking perspective.
As a result, I've made May the month of recharging both physically and mentally. This means working on all the side projects that have been pushed by the wayside. All the embroidery bracelet ideas, discarded crochet projects, attempts at drawing and the notches I've put in my TBR (to-be-read) pile are fair game this month. It's been good.
Sometimes you need to realize that hitting bottom isn't necessarily a bad thing. Hitting bottom means the only way out is up.
Which brings me to this month's poetry prompt.
Please feel free to use the above prompt to make your own creative thing.
We've all had those moments of life where we've felt empty. Like we have nothing left. Those moments where we've felt like quitting. For me, this was the entire half of last month.
Here is my response:
If you feel you've hit bottom, I hope this can be an encouragement to you that bottom doesn't have to be your resting place. Bottom means the only way to go is up.
May the rest of your month be filled with peace and joy.
Until next time...
-Arysta Henry/ Julia Garcia
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