Poetry 15th-November 2019 Edition

Hello there everyone!

I'm in the midst of NaNoWriMo, so things are crazy busy but I did want to pop in with this month's Poetry 15th.

 This month's poem was very difficult to compose. I know I wanted it to be about thankfulness, but I didn't want it to be just a laundry-list of things I was thankful for. Then I stumbled on a whimsical picture of a tree with what appears to be flying notes. I lost the picture but was inspired to make my own. Here is a picture I put together with clip-art on Canva.

So what does this have to do with Poetry 15th? I'm coming to it. It will all make sense in a moment, but first, here is this month's poetry prompt:

Whether or not you celebrate Thanksgiving, November is a good time to stop and count your blessings. As one of my childhood songs says, "A thankful heart is a happy heart..."
 So here is your chance to post a poem of thankfulness in the comment section or just write your own. You could even use this to write a list of what you are thankful for in your journal (if you do such things), or draw a picture based on this prompt. If you do decide to post your poem in the comment section, please keep a PG rating. 

Here is my response:

If you liked the poem, want to post your own or just want to say hi, please do so in the comment section below. 

Happy writing!


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