Poetry 15th, March 2021

Hello! One of my favorite things to do nowadays is watch the play of the sun as it hits the trees and casts shadows across the road. There's this special time of the evening where it's particularly beautiful. It's a magical moment where the world seems to hold its breath and anything can happen. It's a moment where the world seems to stop; a moment trapped in time. My response to this month's prompt came from my observations of this time of day. As always, please feel free to use the prompt below to generate your own creativity. Here is the prompt: Last week, I took my red Lord of the Rings notebook and my red pen (I really like red. Don't know if you can tell.) and went outside. I found a place where I could watch the road by my house and just sat, observed and listened. I must have sat there for a good half an hour; it was so peaceful! Out of that time came this poem. Now, I'd like to hear from you! When was the last time you simply sat outside, observe...