Poetry 15th: May 2022

Hello there! This month has been a little different as I get ready to spend a few weeks with family and friends at the end of this month. It will be my first real vacation since 2019, and I am so ready for it. I've been feeling burnt out for a good month and a half. Creatively, it's been a struggle to do anything much but breathe, so I've scaled everything back a lot. One topic I've been thinking about privately and talking a lot about with friends, is this idea of vulnerability. There is vulnerability and then there's vulnerability . What do I mean by this? Well, for a long time I've thought that being vulnerable meant just sharing what is on your heart. And yes, that is definitely a form of vulnerability, but there is one that goes deeper. A vulnerability that lays the deepest, darkest parts of yourself bare and allows others to poke and prod, to examine your thoughts and hold them up to the light of truth. To examine the lies you may have believed since c...